This is one of those things that made me particularly emotional, and that I couldn’t believe was real. When I opened a single recording of about four people, all cheering and clapping and having a great time together while enjoying my work, I admit that I got misty in the eyes.

I’m a firm believer of collaborative art and the beauty in making things with other people. Really, Camp Here & There is the efforts of several people working together, and alone none of us could make it what it is. Asking our audience to each contribute something small, to all help build the show, felt like everyone was putting a hand together to create what we love. That… well, it’s moving. I have to be ham and cheese about it for a second.

Everyone complains about being a modern day creator – for many valid reasons – but this instilled in me not only the much-needed confidence in my efforts to tell a good story, but a profound appreciation for the ways art reaches out and touches people. I’ve a deeper appreciation for how I, and everyone on this list, have contributed to what I admire so dearly: the mundane act of creating and inspiring. Being someone who feels so intimate about the things that inspire me, it means the world to me to be on the other end of this cycle.

Sometimes, you can feel so removed from what you perceive as too good to be true. I think I’ve been in denial for a long time over the impact CH&T has had. But now, it’s not just my and my best friend’s work. It’s not just us fooling around at night, giggling about what it’d be like to call ourselves professional creators while we made funny voices and hand puppets. It’s something bigger. It’s over 100 people all chanting together to tell a story.

And that’s kind of big. I think it overwhelms me, and I want to pretend it’s not a big deal so I don’t have to feel this way. But that’s a disservice. You all deserve my sincerity, gratitude, and a gooey paragraph of course. Thank you to everyone who helped to tell this story.

Well, now that that’s out of the way, below is a list of all those people who’s voices were used in the crowd of episode 30. You all get the bonafide privilege of saying you were there, in universe, chanting with Elijah. Hope that helps you sleep at night.


Blue Mayfield


A bowl of pasta, Ace, Aiden A, Alden A, Angelo, Ant Harbin, Anthony Raye, Aster Greenberg, Ava Bickner, Beastie, Ben, Ben F, Benjamin M, Blu Galaxy, Bree Anne Bartle-Clar, Bria ‘Ghostfucker’ Weisz, Bucket O’Brien, Cage G/CeceliAnonymous22, Cameronnig, Carpeted Kitchen, Cas Humber, Charlie Sharp, Chell Emil, Clover, Colin Castro, Dani, Dharma, Eileen E, Elise and Vilde, Emerald, Evie Buck, Felix di Angelo, Fennel, Frankie R, Fruit Freak, Generic Waffle, Ghost_Kay, Gil K, Goblin, Grayson, Gwen Jeronimo, Happy, Helvetica, Hezekiah, Irina, Ivy J, J Calkins, Jack Dimou, Jacket, Jacki, Jammy Bamf Bammy, Jared B, Jasmine Koper, Jasper, Jessica, Jon (like the sims), Juno, Kate Peabody, Kieran P (AKA Tibby Caps), King K, LEEgallyStupid, Lao, Leo990, Loki Ng, Longfootedfurby, Maegan, Maple, Mari Marçal, Marrow, Mars Dall, MetaMachine, Michael S, Milo and Eleni, Milsey, Minty, Moth Myrrhwood, Mr. Lesbian, Nadia G, Neopteryx, Non, Nyvirea, Nyxian, Ocho Ockzkowski, Orkim9, Pab, Peach Soda, Pencil Line, R the Writer, Rae Bibi, Rals, Rex N, Riona Duncan, Sam and Emma, Seer, Shoe, Shoe, Snaiil, Soup, Steve, Stormy, Themarshgirl, Therealjendavis, Tl, Toaster Poster, Travis, Trinidy Tiemeyer, Tucker Reeves,

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